一、188类商业创新类移民优点 1. 最快2年后即可领取永久居住证。 2. 一人申请,全家移民。 3. 移民监宽松。 4. 医疗免费,子女就学免费。 5. 资产要求低。 6. 所有投资掌握在投资人手中,风险低。
二、签证申请条件 有成功的商业背景。 投资人直接管理一个企业且拥有30%以上的股份,最近4年中有2年营业额达到AUD40万;或投资人是上市公司高级管理人员,占公司10%以上的股份; 投资人和配偶的个人合法净资产达到AUD80万以上。 投资人在递交申请时必须55岁以下,除非担保的州政府能做出特殊的许可。
三、申请澳洲888A永居签证 1、投资人过去2年中需在指定州累计居住满1年; 2、需在指定州经营生意满2年; 3、过去1年中在澳洲生意的营业额需达到30万澳元; 4、过去1年中满足以下3个条件中的任意2个:雇佣2个当地人任全职; 在澳洲生意净资产需达到20万澳元;在澳洲的生意和个人总资产达到60万澳元。
四、办理流程及相应费用 中国承办律师为投资人提供澳大利亚188商业及投资创新签证、移民法律咨询;澳洲承办律师初步审核申请者条件后确定是否正式受理。 中国律师准备申请文件;澳洲律师按申请者提供的商业发展计划撰写商业计划书等相关法律文件,提交投资人资料到EOI筛选系统。 取得邀请函及州政府担保后,向澳大利亚驻香港移民审核中心提交申请。 投资人取得签证。 投资人入境澳洲完成投资或经商。 投资人在指定州经营生意满2年,澳洲律师为投资人申请澳洲888A永居签证。 五、办理时间 10-12个月取得188A 签证。
六、申请澳洲188A签证政府收费 1. 签证申请费(送签时必须交澳洲移民局,不管签证成功与否,一律不退)4065澳币,不含汇票手续费. 2.州政府担保的政府收费:新南威尔士州820澳币;首都地区550澳币;西澳洲132收550澳币,其他类别330澳币。其他州不收。(申请州担保时必须交州政府,不管担保批准与否,一律不退) 3.房产评估费:直接付给香港注册的评估行,视房价而定。 4.面试陪同费:5000人民币,面试前支付。 5.翻译费及公证费:视申请材料多少而定。 6.体检费,每人1200人民币加250邮寄费,(在澳洲移民局指定医院体检)。 7.英语培训费(原则批准后交澳洲移民局):面试之前(或免面试),若没有雅思平均4.5分,需交英语培训费,到澳洲后可享受最多510小时免费培训。主投资人:8520澳元;18岁以上副投资人:4250澳元/每人。
Business Innovation Stream
[Source: http://www.immi.gov.au/]
You must:
•be under 55 years of age, although a state or territory can waive this requirement if your proposed business will be of exceptional economic benefit to the nominating state or territory. •score at least 65 on the points test •for two out of the four fiscal years immediately before you are invited to apply, have had an ownership interest in an established business or businesses that had at least AUD500 000 turnover in each of those years •own at least one of the following percentage of your nominated main business: ◦51 per cent, if the business has a turnover of less than AUD400 000 per year ◦30 per cent, if the business has a turnover of AUD400 000 or more per year ◦10 per cent, if the business is a publicly listed company •have an overall successful business career •have a genuine desire to continuously own and maintain a management role in a business in Australia. If your nominated main business provides professional, technical or trade services, you must have spent no more than half your time providing those services, as opposed to general management of the business.
At the time of invitation, you, your partner, or you and your partner combined must have total net assets of at least AUD800 000 that are lawfully acquired and available for legal transfer to Australia within two years of the visa being granted.
You and your partner must have had no involvement in unacceptable business or investment activities. |