一、澳大利亚188C重大投资者类移民优点 申请简便 188C类签证无年龄上限要求,无从商背景要求,无英语水平要求,使有财力的投资人在申请签证时限制大为减少,并且澳洲移民局并未详细规定申请人解释资金来源,相对宽松的资金来源证明使申请人减少不少麻烦。 居住优势 投资者在持有“188重要投资者”(临居)签证的4年内必须在澳大利亚居住满160天。如果投资者选择延长该临时签证期限,居住时间也会应相应延长。 澳洲其它类别的移民项目中,临居签证的持有人在转为永居签证时通常被要求每年或者每两年在澳洲至少住满一半或以上的时间,但是重要投资者类移民只需移民申请人在4年内住满160天,即每年住满40天,也就是 1个多月,便可满足居住要求,投资者可以继续将生意中心放在国内。 审批优势 作为澳洲政府新出台的项目,188C项目执行速度和执行效率都相对有保障,而且由于重要投资者类项目之前并无先例,故该项目在审理速度上会相对较快,审核要求也相对宽松。
二、签证申请条件 1、投资500万澳元到澳洲债券、基金等; 2、资金需要解释来源但政策宽松; 3、无年龄限制、无英语要求、无须打分; 4、投资4年中,累计住满160天; 5、投资满4年转绿卡。
三、申请澳洲888永居签证: 1、投资500万澳元到澳洲债券、基金等并持有四年以上。 2、投资4年中,累计住满160天。 3、申请人和配偶在澳洲没有任何不合法的历史。
四、办理流程及相应费用 中国承办律师为投资人提供澳大利亚188C重大投资类签证、移民法律咨询;澳洲承办律师初步审核申请者条件后确定是否正式受理。 中国律师准备申请文件。澳洲律师按申请者提供的商业发展计划撰写商业计划书等相关法律文件,申请州政府担保;提交投资人资料到EOI筛选系统;办理审计及资产评估。 向澳大利亚驻香港移民审核中心提交申请。 投资人取得签证后。 投资人入境澳洲完成投资。 在澳洲投资四年以上,澳洲律师为投资人申请澳洲888永居签证。 五、办理时间: 12个月取得188C 重大投资类签证。
Significant Investor Stream
[Source: http://www.immi.gov.au/]
You must make a complying investment of at least AUD5 million in any of the following options, in any proportion, and hold that investment continuously for at least four years:
•Commonwealth, state or territory government bonds •Eligible managed funds - that are limited to investing in any or all of the following Australian assets: ◦infrastructure projects in Australia ◦cash held by Australian deposit-taking institutions ◦bonds issued by the Australian Government or a State or Territory government ◦bonds, equity, hybrids or other corporate debt in Australian companies and trusts listed on any Australian stock exchange ◦bonds or term deposits issued by Australian financial institutions ◦real property in Australia ◦Australian agribusiness ◦annuities issued by an Australian registered life company ◦loans secured by mortgages over the investments listed above ◦derivatives used for portfolio management and non-speculative purposes (which constitute no more than 20 per cent of the total value of the managed fund) ◦other managed funds that invest in the investments listed above •direct investment into private Australian companies - in which you have an ownership interest. The company must operate a qualifying business. Income that you earn from your complying investment in Australia is subject to tax under Australian taxation law.
You must also have a genuine and realistic commitment to:
•reside in the state or territory whose government agency nominated you •continue your business and investment activity in Australia after your complying investment matures •live in Australia for at least 160 days over four years while holding your provisional visa. You, your partner, or you and your partner combined must have net assets of at least AUD5 million that are legally acquired, unencumbered, and available to be used to make the complying investment in Australia.
You and your partner must not have been involved in unacceptable business or investment activities.
You, your partner and other family members aged at least 18 must agree not to bring any action against the Commonwealth for any loss relating to your complying investment. |