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Country: Italy  IP:94.37.128.***
Company:Marinelli Damiano Law Firm      
 Practice areas:Business and Corporate law, Tax law, Legal audi, Debt collection, Due Diligence, Doing business in Italy
Tel: Email:marinelli@areaconsulenze.it 
Brief Introduction to your Services:ITALY
Website:www.areaconsulenze.it Application Date: 2013-05-31 18:14:51
Country: Italy  IP:93.41.209.***
Company:Studio Legale Parenti      
 Practice areas:Civil and Business Law, Administrative Law, Labour Law, Taxs and Customs Law, Criminal Law
Tel:0039063720108 Email:studioparenti@tin.it 
Brief Introduction to your Services:The law firm Parenti is distinguished by the ability to provide full legal assistance, both to private clients and companies in all legal areas.The office is located in Rome(Italy), Viale delle Milizie 114, and currently includes 30 lawyers with their own legal specialities, particularly: Civil law, Criminal Defence, Administrative Law, Employment Law, Tax Law, Debt Collection.
We also provide legal counselling and assistance on commercial international contracts, related issues and disputes between shareholders and between shareholders and companies.
Legal counselling and assistance, both judicial and extrajudicial on procedures of acquisition, transfer, merger, separation and liquidation.
Website:www.studiolegaleparenti.com Application Date: 2013-05-30 22:11:58
Country: Italy  IP:2.238.63.***
Company:Ferrari Artese - Law Firm in Milan      
 Practice areas:Litigation; Corporate; ICT Contracts; Intellectual Property;Computer Crimes; White Collar crimes
Tel:+ Email:info@fa-lex.com 
Brief Introduction to your Services:FA-Lex is a boutique in the center of Milan and is particularly concerned with providing assistance to companies: the law fim follows its customers since the constitution of the company as well as for any contractual need.
We deal with judicial activities(both civil and criminal).
FA-Lex is also specialized in new technology law and innovation law.
Website:http://www.fa-lex.com Application Date: 2013-05-29 23:59:39
Country: Italy  IP:151.52.130.***
Company:Grillo & Tomasino Criminal Law Firm      
 Practice areas:Criminal law
Tel:+39 091516403 Email:tomasinoeug@libero.it 
Brief Introduction to your Services:The Criminal Law Firm of attorneys Grillo & Tomasino, located in Palermo,Italy, provides advice, assistance, and defense for all areas in criminal law. The Firm has many years of concentrated experience in criminal proceedings relating to medical liability, corporate and financial crime, food hygiene and food fraud, aggravated criminal assault and battery, crimes relating to drugs, and organized crime.
Website:http://www.studiogrillotomasino.it/ Application Date: 2013-05-29 17:09:52
Country: Italy  IP:95.243.193.***
Company:Law Firm Castiglioni Marchetti le Divelec Baratta      
 Practice areas:Corporate Law, Commercial Law, IP
Tel:0039 02 76390313/76310867 Email:federico.ledivelec@cbmld.com 
Brief Introduction to your Services:Our Firm provides legal advice for italian and foreigner corporation in the field of Corporate, Commercial and IP Law.
We provide assistance with Projects of partnership and commercial agreements and ADR and litigation as well
Website:www.cbmld.com Application Date: 2013-05-29 16:46:18
Country: Italy  IP:77.43.70.***
 Practice areas:corporate, commercial, real estate, energy, healthcare
Tel:+39 0258310685 Email:a.renato@elexa.org 
Brief Introduction to your Services:ELEXA is a team of lawyers and accountants with offices in Milan and Rome that provide legal and tax services.
ELEXA is composed by professionals with high experience, also at national and international firms and companies, that advise clients providing the best solution for the specific need.
In addition to advising on extraordinary corporate, banking and tax transactions the professionals provide services in the areas of legal and tax litigation, corporate, fiscal, tax and audit consultancy, commercial, banking, real estate, civil law, criminal law, employment, energy (also renewable) and pharmaceutical and medical device law.
ELEXA guarantees the participation of each activity of a professional with experience, flexible and competent that the service offered to the client interests, also with the proposal of competitive solutions as outsourcing, forfait and success fee.
ELEXA creates teams of professionals dedicated to the specific activities integrating the legal and tax expertise to the aim of providing a service of high level that matches the client requests.
ELEXA is a trademark under registration at the Italian Patent and Trademark Office
Website:www.elexa.org Application Date: 2013-05-29 15:42:34
Country: Italy  IP:151.48.24.***
Company:Studio Braggion      
 Practice areas:international private law, litigation, real estate, commercial law, successions
Tel:0229001267 Email:brglaw@iol.it 
Brief Introduction to your Services:International law firm with offices in Milan and Treviso
Website:www.italrecht.com Application Date: 2013-04-10 16:50:20
Country: Italy  IP:80.68.188.***
Company:Limido & Radice      
 Practice areas:Corporate Commercial IPR Bankrupcty
Tel:+39 2 87187410 Email:segreteria@limidoradice.it 
Brief Introduction to your Services:Limido & Radice provide the full range of legal solutions in relation to domestic and international commercial trading relationships, such as commercial agency contracts, distribution and manufacturing agreements, franchising, procurement, leasing agreements as well as research and development agreements including contractual and equity Joint Venture Agreements.The Firm advises in bankruptcy law and restructuring arrangements. Both our founding partners have been appointed repeatedly as Bankruptcy Receivers at the Court of Milan since 2009. The Law Firm has experience in handling all aspects of trademark protection before the courts and the Patent and Trademark Office
Website:www.limidoradice.it Application Date: 2013-02-22 21:19:54
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