1970-01-01 08:33:28
INVEST IN CHINA intends to serve as a bridge between investors worldwide and Chinese investment projects , dedicated to provide a valuable platform for members to demonstrate, communicate, share, and cooperate . To serve this purpose, a forum has now been designed, and from May onwards , the group moderators issue biweekly newsletters.
第12期 2008年11月1日 编辑:申琳昌 |
Welcome to log on "Investment Promotion Platform" and look through investment opportunities in China. On the other side, welcome to upload your business plan or executive summary (excluding confidential information) to the platform if you are seeking investment for your business.
Time: 6:30pm - 9:30pm ,Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Venue: Mesa & Manifesto , 748 JuLu Road (near FuMin Road ), Shanghai , China
Phone: 0086-15000355201
Email: yzslc@yahoo.com.cn
No Entrance Fee.
时间: 2008年11月12日,星期三,18:30-21:30 地点:梅萨,上海市静安区巨鹿路748号(近富民路) 电话:15000355201
Email: yzslc@yahoo.com.cn 简介:上海商务及投资社交晚会旨在为上海商务人士提供交流与合作的有效平台。晚会尤其致力于促进寻求投资企业与投资机构之间达成投资协议;带上您的商业计划书或者项目说明,晚会邀请了一定数量的投资机构参加。无入场费。 CHINESE INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT
DISCLAIMER: It should be noted that the material in this newsletter is designed to provide general information only for reference. The moderators expressly disclaim all liability to any person in respect of the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done wholly or partly in reliance on the whole or any part of the contents of this newsletter.
免责申明: 投资中国简报所提供的信息仅供参考,简报编辑明确声明不承担由此产生的或者与此相关的任何法律责任。
社区管理员: 联系信息:
申琳昌 Email: yzslc@hotmail.com
Invest in China(Linkedin)
http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/21014/3267521B136A Invest in China (plaxo) http://pulse.plaxo.com/pulse/groups/profile/167504005874 M&A in China (XING) https://www.xing.com/app/network?op=home;tab=1;name=investable Invest in China (Facebook) |