2013-10-30 22:29:54
2012年7月23日,胡双女士到德国工商大会(AHK)所属德中工商技术咨询服务 (太仓) 有限公司上海分公司(GIC Shanghai)签证申请受理部递交德国商务签证申请资料。在排队等候过程中,因等候区座椅存在严重质量缺陷且未设置任何警示标志,胡双女士就坐时座椅突然翻倒,胡双女士仰面倒地,后脑猛然撞击地面,导致胡双女士脊椎受到严重伤害。胡双女士跌倒在地长达近1小时时间内,尽管胡双女士不停地痛苦呻吟,GIC Shanghai无任何工作人员前来过问。
经过同行德国友人宋可富(Ulrich H. Kiefer)先生坚持不懈地联络、求助,GIC Shanghai及德国工商大会上海代表处最终派人将胡双女士就近送到东方医院救治。经医院诊断,胡双女士颈部3-5脊椎破裂、错位,需进行脊椎固定手术。7月25日,胡双女士在东方医院接受了风险系数极高的颈部脊椎固定手术。8月3日,胡双女士出院,医嘱在家休息康复3个月并定期到医院复查。
1、接受委托后,申琳昌律师于5月10日向德中工商技术咨询服务 (太仓) 有限公司上海分公司(GIC Shanghai)发出第一份律师函,希望通过协商解决侵权责任承担问题。
尊敬的Mr. Christoph Angerbauer:
经过同行德国友人宋可富(Ulrich H. Kiefer)先生坚持不懈地联络、求助,贵司及德国工商总会上海代表处最终派人将胡双女士就近送到东方医院救治。经医院诊断,胡双女士颈部3-5脊椎破裂、错位,需进行脊椎固定手术。7月25日,胡双女士在东方医院接受了风险系数极高的颈部脊椎固定手术。8月3日,胡双女士出院,医嘱在家休息康复3个月并定期到医院复查。
德中工商技术咨询服务 (太仓) 有限公司上海分公司接到律师函后,双方进行两次商谈,无果。后GIC Shanghai 发来律师函,要求提供相关证据及法律依据。
2、按照GIC Shanghai 律师函要求,10月9日向GIC Shanghai 再次发函。
尊敬的Mr. Christoph Angerbauer:
1、 医疗费
本人担任景晖包装(上海)有限公司总经理。误工损失包括基本工资损失26400元(8000元/月× 3.3月)、出勤奖 200000元(月度出勤奖25000元/月×4月+ 年度出勤奖100000元)以及业绩奖200000元。
根据上海市人身损害赔偿标准,伤残赔偿金应为 241128元(40188元/年×20年×30%)。
不久我们收到GIC Shanghai 的第二封律师函,明确拒绝我们的赔偿及赔礼道歉要求,我们给其发了第三封律师函(英文)。
3. 10月25日,向GIC Shanghai发出第三封律师函(英文)。
Re: Personal Injury Suffered by Ms. Hu Shuang
Mr. Christoph Angerbauer:
I, Linchang Shen, Attorney at Law with Shanghai Promise Law Firm hereby officially sends you a second lawyer’s letter on behalf of Ms. Hu Shuang,who suffered severe personal injury at GIC Shanghai when applying German business visa last July.
It is a pity but we have to inform you that we have been deeply disappointed after several rounds of negotiation with GIC Shanghai. We have been convinced that GIC Shanghai has no sincerity to resolve the dispute by friendly negotiation;what is more, the indifference and arrogance of GIC Shanghai is totally unacceptable. Please be advised that henceforth we will take all necessary legal actions instead of amicable consultation.
Please also note that we have never threaten GIC Shanghai nor have we the interest to threaten you. Legally speaking,as the principal Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in China (hereinafter “the German Embassy”) ,which outsourced the application process of German visa applications to AHK (GIC Shanghai) should be jointly and severally liable for the personal injury suffered by Ms. Hu Shuang.The German Embassy has the legitimate rights to know the ridiculous accident and how GIC Shanghai dealt with it. Particularly, we will send the German Embassy a separate lawyer’s letter to report the accident in details. We will also notify the German Embassy that we will file a lawsuit against GIC Shanghai as well as the German Embassy in a competent Chinese local court and kindly ask the German Embassy whether they would give up judiciary immunity to a Chinese court. If not, we will consider initiating lawsuit in Germany.
Likewise, GIC Shanghai is also completely wrong to regard it as a “threat” that Ms. Hu Shuang considers publicizing the accident. The indifference of GIC Shanghai is quite beyond imagination; in nearly one hour after Ms. Hu Shuang fell heavily due to the defected chairs at GIC Shanghai, no staff came out to have a look. Considering the indifference of GIC Shanghai to Chinese applicants’ personal safety, Ms. Hu Shuang is obligated to publicize the painful accident to warn other visa applicants to take care their person safety when applying visa at GIC Shanghai.
Last but not least, please respect and protect Chinese applicants’ personal safety just as in other countries even though the legal compensation for personal injury is much lowern China.
4. 10月31日向德国驻华大使馆发函询问其是否放弃不接受中国法院民事审判的司法豁免权,并告知如不放弃司法豁免权我们将考虑在德国法院起诉。
Re: Judiciary Immunity to a Chinese Local Court
Via Express Mail
Dr. Michael Clauss
Embassy of F.R.Germany in China
17 Dongzhimenwai Dajie
Beijing,P.R. China
Your Honorable:
I am very sorry to disturb you but I have to officially send you and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in China (hereinafter “the German Embassy”) a lawyer’s letter on behalf of Ms. Hu Shuang, who suffered severe personal injury at German Industry & Commerce Greater China, Shanghai ( hereinafter “GIC Shanghai”) when applying for German business visa last year.
On 23 July,2012, Ms. Hu Shuang went to GIC Shanghai to submit German business visa application materials. When Ms. Hu Shuang sat down in the waiting room of GIC Shanghai, she fell backward because the seat suddenly overturned due to serious quality defects (without any warning sign).Consequently, Ms. Hu Shuang’s head heavily hit the rear chair surface, which led to severe injury to her cervical spine. However, despite continual groan of Ms. Hu Shuang, no staff came out to have a look in nearly one hour after she fell down; the indifference of GIC Shanghai is quite beyond imagination.
Thanks to the consistent request for help of Mr. Ulrich H. Kiefer,who accompanied Ms. Hu Shuang for the visa application, at last GIC Shanghai and AHK sent her to Oriental Hospital in the neighborhood. Fortunately, the personal injury sustained by her was not fatal, Ms. Hu Shuang received a highly risky cervical spine surgery on 25 July and left the hospital on 1 August.
We had originally tried to resolve the personal injury dispute with GIC Shanghai through amicable consultation. However, we have been deeply disappointed after several rounds of negotiation; and we have been convinced that GIC Shanghai has no sincerity to resolve the dispute by friendly negotiation. What is more, the arrogance of GIC Shanghai is totally unacceptable. We have to take legal actions to protect the legitimate rights of Ms. Hu Shuang.
Legally speaking, as the principal, the German Embassy ,which outsourced the application process of German visa applications to GIC Shanghai should be jointly and severally liable for the personal injury suffered by Ms. Hu Shuang. It is a pity but we have to inform you that we will file civil lawsuit against GIC Shanghai as well as the German Embassy in a competent Chinese court.Hereby we kindly ask you whether the German Embassy would give up the judiciary immunity, to which according to international law the German Embassy is entitled. If not, we will consider initiating litigation in Germany, which will obviously increase the expense of Ms. Hu Shuang significantly. If we do not receive any response from the German Embassy in a reasonable time, it will be presumed the German Embassy would not give up the judicial immunity to a Chinese court.Thanks.
Very truly yours,
Linchang Shen
Shanghai Promise Law Firm
Cc: Foreign Ministry of the F.R.Germany
Human Rights Committee, Parliament of the F. R. Germany
GIC Shanghai