Approximately 32,000 mineral acres are now available for sale in the state of Tennessee with nine seams of coal (surface mine). Equipment and Machinery Included in Sale
Included in this conveyance are the following coal reserves:
1. Seam Thickness Tonnage
2. Peabody 30 in. 1,400,000
3. Log Mountain 20 in. 1,200,000
4. Jellico/Coal Creek 44 in. 71,713,616
5. Rich Mountain 32 in. 32,855,705
6. Blue Gem/Polar Cr. 22 in. 10,107,345
7. Rex** 33 in. 52,277,776
8. Northern Tracks 48 in. 26,770,000
9. Sewanne 35.5 in. 140,112,000
10. Sewanne Primroy 35.5 in. 14,810,250
*Total Tonnage 351,246,692
*The net recoverable coal listed herein for each seam are estimates and subject to verification by purchaser during the due diligence process. No warranty or guaranty by seller of any kind as to actual coal in place or the mine ability of said coal is expressed or implied.
**The Rex Seam is included in the purchase although currently leased to entity with long term lease. Buyer will receive the royalties from entity as provided by written and executed contract but cannot mine the coal. In the event leasing entity defaults on said lease, all items, including coal, included in lease reverts back to purchaser.
The Rich Mountain Seam is presently permitted and mining is underway. The mining permit for the Jellico/Coal Creek Seam has been submitted by Seller and is pending. Upon payment of an earnest money deposit, Seller will provide full access so that Purchaser may conduct its due diligence examination.
Purchase Price: $36,000,000.00
Contact: Mr. Shen Linchang
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