Intellectual Property

2011 China Annual Report on Intellectual Property Cases (Abstract)

2012-09-24 11:34:18


 (Published by China Supreme Court on April 19 2012.)


In 2011, the Intellectual Property Division of the Supreme People’s Court accepted a total of 420 different types of new intellectual property cases, a 34.19% increase over the number in 2010. Additionally, there were 46 cases left over from 2010, giving a total of 466 different types of cases sub judice in 2011, of which 423 were concluded. The intellectual property and competition cases heard by the Supreme People’s Court in 2011 had the following characteristics: there was an explosive increase in patent and trademark administrative cases, accounting for an increased percentage of all cases, with a particularly marked increase in cases involving the granting and confirmation of patent and trademark rights, becoming the most conspicuous characteristic of cases last year; the number of new type and difficult cases that require clear legal definition and the giving of specific guidelines to the public due to the fact that the legal provisions are more in the nature of a principle remained high; the number of patent cases continued to increase, with the technical content of such cases continuing to increase, and invention patent cases and cases in high and new technology fields, such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and communication, showing a marked increase; the percentage of commercial mark cases, particularly trademark cases, increased, with the demand of trademark holders to protect their market interests and define the boundaries of behaviour through legal action ever growing; in copyright cases, the percentage of cases involving emerging industrial fields, such as software, databases and animated films, increased, with new types of copyright subjects for which protection is claimed increasingly arising; and in unfair competition cases, the percentage of unfair competition disputes involving network technologies and new business models as well as trade secret disputes increased. In response to the aforementioned case characteristics, the Supreme People’s Court, in exercising its intellectual property trial functions, displayed the following characteristics: increasing depth in the judicial review of the granting and confirmation of rights by patent and trademark administrative authorities, with the function played by judicial rulings and judgments in determining and understanding the criteria for granting and confirming patent and trademark rights ever standing out, and the guiding function of the judicial protection of intellectual property rights being further brought to bear; while exercising its trial authority in strict accordance with the law, attaching great weight to the guiding function of intellectual property judicial policy in application of the law in new type, difficult and complex cases so as to ensure the correct orientation of the application of the law; relying on and agglomerating social consensus to clarify the meaning of laws and legal boundaries and safeguard the uniform application of intellectual property laws; while intensifying the protection of intellectual property, placing greater emphasis on balancing rights, so as to actively promote the joint benefit and balanced development of all parties with an interest in intellectual property.




The Supreme People’s Court has, from among the intellectual property cases it concluded in 2011, derived 44 law application issues with general guiding significance from 34 carefully selected typical cases to prepare and issue this year’s report. The annual reports on intellectual property cases regularly published each year have become an important medium for the Supreme People’s Court to guide intellectual property trial work and an important channel for the public to understand the developments in the Supreme People’s Court’s intellectual property trials, and have increasingly received the general attention of the public and been accorded high importance by relevant parties. The function and significance of the annual case reports in clarifying legal rules, guiding trial practice and giving uniformity to application of the law are ever increasing. Additionally it must still be said that although the criteria and methods of applying the law as summed up in this annual report have a certain general significance, nevertheless, due to the fact that they are knowledge derived by the Supreme People’s Court from new type, complex and difficult issues in the rulings in specific cases, they have a relatively high degree of case specificity and exploratoriness. Furthermore, with the deeper understanding of the relevant issues and the development of the economy, society and culture, the relevant criteria and methods of application of the law also may be revised and changed therewith. Based on the new requirements thrown up by economic, social and cultural development in China and the new expectations of the public in respect of the judicial protection of intellectual property, the Supreme People’s Court will give further impetus to its intellectual property trial functions, legally, impartially and efficiently try cases, duly and effectively respond to the public’s demand in respect of the administration of justice, continuously enhance the authority and credibility of the administration of justice with respect to intellectual property and strive to turn over a new page in the judicial protection of intellectual property.

