Intellectual Property

How to Register Your Trademark in China

2011-04-27 15:26:28

1.You Must Register Your Trademark in China to Protect it in China. Though the media have published a number of stories deriding China's intellectual property protection, those articles nearly always fail to mention that in most instances involving trademarks, the fault lies with the foreign company, not with Chinese enforcement. A foreign company that fails to register its trademarks in China has no real right to complain about any "infringement" there. To expect protection, foreign companies must register their trademarks in China and the prudent company does this before going in.
2.Failure to register your trademark in China, could cause you to lose the right to your "Own" name in China. A number of people in China make their living by usurping foreign trademarks and then selling a license to that trademark to the original license holder (the foreign company). China, like much of the world is a "first to file" country, which means whoever files a trademark or tradename first in a particular category almost always ends up owning that trademark.
3.When Doing Business in China, you should consider registering your trademark. The fact that you are manufacturing your product in China just for export does not in any way minimize the need for you to protect your trademark. Once someone registers "your" trademark in China, they have the power to stop your goods at the border and prevent them from leaving China.
4.Trademarks that can be registered in China. China's trademark requirements are actually quite similar to those in most other countries. The trademark must not conflict with an existing Chinese trademark and it must be distinctive. China allows for registration of all marks for goods, services, collective marks and certification marks.
5.China's Trademark Office maintains a centralized database of all registered and applied-for trademarks. Trademark applications that pass a preliminary screening are published by the Trademark Office and subject to a three month period for objection. If there are no objections within this three month period, or if the Chinese Trademark Office rejects the objections as frivolous, the trademark is registered. If the Chinese Trademark Office supports an objection, it will deny the application. Denied applications may be appealed to the State Administration of Industry and Commerce Trademark Review & Approval Board and then to the People's Court. Objections to trademarks are relatively rare.
6.Protect your name with a Chinese Trademark. A Chinese trademark gives foreign companies a surprising amount of protection in China. If a foreign company learns that its trademark is being infringed in China, it has a number of actions available to it.
7.Pursuing A Trademark Infringer In China. The foreign trademark owner should usually file a lawsuit against the infringer, seeking damages and an injunction stopping the infringer from continuing to sell the infringing goods. The Chinese courts in the more commercialized regions are actually quite willing to enforce China's trademark laws, even for foreign companies. Trademark infringement is a crime in China. For serious cases of infringement, a complaint to the office of the public prosecutor can often result in a criminal prosecution against the infringer. The Chinese police will close the offending operation and seize the counterfeit goods. The courts are authorized to impose both fines and imprisonment. Finally, if the counterfeit goods are destined for export, a notice to the Chinese customs authorities will prevent export of the counterfeit goods.

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