Law & Regulation

Provision of the State Council on Working Hours of Workers and Staff

2011-04-26 16:57:37

¡¡¡¡£¨promulgated by Decree No. 146 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on February 3£¬ 1994£¬ and revised in accordance with the ¡°Decision of the State Council on Revising the Provisions of the State Council on Working Hours of Workers and Staff¡± promulgated on March 25£¬ 1995£©

¡¡¡¡Article 1 These Provisions are formulated pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China for the purposes of rational disposition of working hours and holidays of workers and staff£¬ maintaining their right to rest£¬ mobilizing their working initiative£¬ improving the development of socialist modernization construction.

¡¡¡¡Article 2 These Provisions shall be applicable to workers and staff engaged in all state organs£¬ social organizations£¬ enterprises£¬ institutional organizations and other organizations within the territory of the People's Republic of China.

¡¡¡¡Article 3 Workers and staff shall work 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week.

¡¡¡¡Article 4 Workers and staff who are under special working conditions or have special situation and need the working hours to be shortened reasonably shall implement the relevant provisions of the State.

¡¡¡¡Article 5 When the standard working hour system of 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week is inapplicable due to the special working situation or production nature£¬ other rules may be adopted on working hours and holidays according to the relevant provisions of the State.

¡¡¡¡Article 6 No unit or individual shall extend the working hours of their workers and staff without authorization. When the working hours are necessary to extend for the purpose of special case or emergent assignment£¬ it shall be implemented according to the relevant provisions of the State.

¡¡¡¡Article 7 All state organs and institutional organizations shall institute a unified working hour system under which Saturday and Sunday shall be arranged as weekly holidays.

¡¡¡¡Enterprises and institutional organizations that cannot institute the unified working hours prescribed in the preceding paragraph may make flexible arrangements for weekly holidays in the light of their actual conditions.

¡¡¡¡Article 8 The Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Personnel shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Provisions. The implementation measures shall be formulated by the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Personnel.

¡¡¡¡Article 9 These Provisions shall enter into effect on May 1£¬ 1995. In cases when it is difficult for enterprises and institutional organizations to implement these Provisions as of the said date£¬ they may be given an appropriate period of deferment£¬ but at latest on January 1£¬ 1996 for such institutional organizations£¬ or on May 1£¬ 1997 for such enterprises£¬ the implementation of these Provisions shall commence.