Overseas investment

Shanghai Business & Investment Event, Oct. 27

1970-01-01 08:33:30



(To Bridge & Match Investors and Investees)




Venue:       Ruitai Hotel, 3F

Address:     178 Taixing Road, Shanghai, China    

Transport:   Metro line 2, Nanjing XiLu, Exit 4

Time:       7:00-10:00pm, Wednesday, 27 Oct.

Host:        Investee Club

Co-host:      China Legal & Accounting Network



Event Description

The regular events intend to provide an effective platform for businessmen to communicate and cooperate. Particularly, they are dedicated to bridging and matching investors and investees.

Bring your business plan or executive summary to the Event; many an investor has been invited.

The monthly events are held by Investee Club. Read/download the Club’s profile here: http://www.slideshare.net/ShenLinChang/invest-in-china-clubiic-profile


Entrance Fee

The full price is RMB180 per person at the door. Only RMB120 per person with RSVP before 3 pm ,27 Oct. The fee includes a cup of soft drink or beer and a snack.



You may register by sending an E-mail to linkedin@qq.com  with your full name, company name, position and your contact info.

If you are seeking investment, please also provide an executive summary; if you are looking for investment opportunities, please also provide brief introduction to your company.


 Photos of recent events


29 Sep.To Bridge & Match Investors and Investees


25 August, Global Patent Protections for China-Originated Inventions


21 July, Guarding your IP and Enforcing your Rights


30 June, China Cross-border M&A Drivers


24 May, Going Public in the U.S. to Raise Growth Capital




中文: http://www.fdi-law.com/view.php?id=2455



Contact: Mr. Shen, Linchang

Cell: (86)15000355201

MSN: yzslc@hotmail.com

Skype: Charlie_soas