Overseas investment

General Survey For Invest in China Group Member

1970-01-01 08:33:29


As the Moderating Team of “Investment in China (IIC)”, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome and thank you for joining us. Our mission is to be an effective connection bridge for global community whoever is interested in “Investment in China” theme. We want to provide to our group member business opportunities, social networking and education regarding this theme. In order to serve our member effectively, we would like to make a general survey first, so we could understand our members profile and interest better. Please take your 3 minutes time to fill up the survey and give us your advice and support so we could make your membership more benefited and enjoyable.


A. Where are you based?

____1. Shanghai

____2. Other city of China _________

____3. Asia other than China ___________

____4. Europe ____________ (country)

____5. American ___________

____6. Other area ___________

(Please select the number and specify the city or country)


B. What is your role in this Investment in China group?

____1. Capital Provider looking for opportunity

____2. Business provider looking for capital

____3. Professional service provider

____4. Others, please specify _________________________


C. Which one value is the more important for you from IIC?

____ 1. Business opportunities

____2. Social networking

____3. Education about this theme


D. For our activity in 2009, what are the top 3 specific interests you may select? (Please only choose no more than 3)

_____ 1. Economic Outlook

_____ 2. Government policy and direction in Shanghai

_____ 3. Government investment projects opportunities

_____ 4. Venture Capital in China

_____ 5. Fast growing industry in China

_____ 6. Fast growing area in China

_____ 7. How to do business in China

_____ 8. Personal wealth growth or investment in China

_____ 9. Others _________________________________ (Please specify)


E. We are a non-profit organization, purely serve by volunteers, and we want to serve our group member with the best effort and resources. Therefore, we would like to invite you to participate to help us to serve our Group. If you are available in Shanghai and like to contribute your time and enjoy the process of working with such multinational global community, we are sincerely inviting you to join our volunteer team.

Please select the areas you like to participate. You will receive a lot of open-arms welcome.

Service Function: (Please select max. 2 areas for your service)

_____ - Business Service and Marketing, business sponsorship

_____ - Finance and Accounting

_____- Planning, activity, seminar, event, fun party

_____- Newsletter, planning, writing, editing,

_____- IT, website, online, database etc.

_____- Historian: recording, photo, reporting,

_____ - Interest Sub-Group leadership ________________________ (please specify your interest sub-group theme)     


The entire Group will appreciate your contribution.

Please fill up your response by 3/21, so we could complete it in time.

Thanks for your time and attention.

Enjoy your membership in IIC and Wish you a prosperous 2009, A BULL YEAR in China!


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